Saturday, December 6, 2014

Don't Clean Your Own Pool Filter Before Reading This

Pool filter cleaning is necessary for all pools. Without a quality pool filter, a pool will become full of algae, grime and muck over time. Pool filters make for a clean swimming experience. Filters still require cleaning but the process of cleaning them can be dangerous. Most filters come with warnings about cleaning them that must be followed. It's a good idea for pool owners to hire a pool cleaner to take care of pool filter cleaning among other duties.

Pool filters are an essential aspect to operating any pool as they take care of the heavy duty cleaning a pool constantly requires. No matter how many times a pool is skimmed in a day things like debris, leaves, dirt and dust will still find their way into the pool. When a pool becomes clouded with dirt and debris it will eventually begin to form algae. Dangerous pathogens are hosted in algae and after they have spread in a pool it is no longer safe to swim. A pool filter is going to help ensure this doesn't happen.

The filter in your pool works by pumping water in and out of a filtration system. The water cycles through a filter and comes out clean and the debris, dirt and other muck gets trapped inside. This makes for a clean pool idea for swimming. Water is filtered many times during a day meaning that a filter can get quite dirty fairly often. Once a pool filter is dirty it may not operate at an ideal level. This once again leaves the pool open to those dangerous pathogens that the CDC warns cause dangerous diseases. The CDC has stated that one in eight pools houses these dangerous pathogens and is unsafe for swimmers. That is why it is recommend that pool owners participate in pool filter cleaning at regular intervals when they are operating their pools.

However, some filters can be dangerous to clean which is why pool filter cleaning is best left up to the professionals. It is warned that pool filtration system can be dangerous due to their electrical output. Professionals are skilled at shutting off circuit breakers and bleeding the system before beginning work on cleaning these filters. There are other factors that make filter cleaning dangerous such as leaks and cracks. If there is a leak in the filter, this could cause an actual explosion which can result in serious injury. A professional pool cleaner is aware of these risks and understands the steps needed to be taken in order to avoid such a disaster.

Pool filter cleaning can also be quite messy. A professional pool cleaner is going to take steps to avoid making a mess in a pool owner's yard or back into the pool itself. Everything that has been filtered out of the pool is going to be inside this filter and that means quite a lot of dirt, debris, brown water and who knows what else. A professional pool cleaner has the equipment to filter out all this gunk into a waste area, usually a grate on the street. Sometimes pools are set too far back from the road to make this a possibility. In that case a professional will take steps to make sure that the resulting mess does not end up in a pool owner's landscaping or anywhere else that will cause a problem. They will always be sure to discuss this issue with the homeowner before choosing a place to dump waste.

There are complicated valves and settings on all filters and no two filters are exactly the same. They each require a special way to shut them off and clean them out. A professional pool cleaner has a keen understanding of all pool filters. And when faced with one they haven't used before they will do the research to make sure that it is properly cleaned. Pool filter cleaning requires that the multiport valve be set to filter before adding the cleaning solution. If a laymen attempts to clean a filter they may find that they missed a valve setting which is going to result in a jam and possibly a grid explosion which will be very, very expensive to replace. In order to avoid this disaster and others it is highly recommended that pool owners stick to the professionals when it comes to cleaning their filters.

Pool filter cleaning can be very complicated if the operator is not a trained professional. There are professionals in every city and town across the country who are able to do this difficult job. Pool filters may be dangerous but it is necessary that they have regular cleaning and maintenance to ensure a pool stays clean. Otherwise, a pool may become clouded and eventually find itself home to many dangerous pathogens. For a quality swimming experience make sure to seek out a pool cleaning professional for all pool filter cleaning.

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